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schumia's Content

There have been 2 items by schumia (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#7911 Deciding on Which online Bank?

Posted by schumia on 19 June 2005 - 05:42 PM in General

Hi mir322 and markber,

I really appreciate you taking time to answer my beginner's questions.. I guess there's just too many of them options out there that it makes a daunting task to initially weed out the less worthy ones..

I'm take your advice and investigate on the major ones, namely, ING Direct, Emigrant Direct, UFB and Virtual Bank..

Thanks again for your help and sorry about my late response!


#7657 Deciding on Which online Bank?

Posted by schumia on 12 June 2005 - 06:28 PM in General


After reading through the constantly updated bank rates at http://ibankdesign.c...p?showtopic=540, it puzzles me as to how to decide on a bank to put savings into?

I suppose i'm more inclined towards an online bank, then 2 big names came up as i peruse the list... obviously ING direct is the one where everyone's been putting their money in... but how abt HSBC Online Savings Accnt also at 3.00%?

How to correctly make the decision and what are the factors one should consider?

Thanks for your time!

