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There have been 1 items by order32city (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#18008 I need a partner to do business with.

Posted by order32city on 22 October 2005 - 02:09 PM in Misc.

I just need a help here. Look, I'm a business person located in Estonia
my work is to sell the goods, most of my goods I sell at eBay.

This why I need your help, the main thing is that everybody at eBay use PayPal only
as a payment method. But if you'll look at PayPal's website they don't open accounts to Estonian
members, this why I have a trouble with receiveing the payments.

Here is a note quote from User Agreement (PayPal):
This User Agreement applies to users in all European Union countries where the PayPal “send only” service is offered. These are Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

So, I think I need a partner in this business who will receive the funds from my customers
to his PayPal account, then send me my cut, so I'll have no troubles with receiveing the funds and be able to sell my stuff at eBay.

Only thing you must have is verified PayPal account!
I can pay my partner 15% cut for this service.

I think the best way to use to deliver the funds from you to me to Estonia is
Western Union. Just to let you know, that Western Union fees will be fully covered from my cut, so you'll
earn "clean" 15% from every single transfer. I think it's a good payment for such service.

You need to do nothing, but to recieve and send the funds, and get 15% from every single transfer.
Look, but I want all the persons who want to help me and be my partners mail me
as soon as possible to [email protected].

Feel free to ask any questions , I'll provide full information you need to start our partnership.
I don't really know where can I find such person, so this way I have posted this here, maybe somebody can help me.

We'll make a really good money, Thats why i think the best way to work is the honest one.

It takes about 3-4 days to make withdrawl from your PayPal account,
so I'll told all my customers that their goods will be shipped in 4 days after payment received.

And if you would like,I'll provide all requared information about my business to make you sure that I'm very reliable

Mail me back please for more info: [email protected]
When mailing me please write what country you located in.

NOTE: No merchandise will be shipped before your WU payment. I was burned few times on it and I won't make mistakes this time.
