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Frisbee168's Content

There have been 2 items by Frisbee168 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#18158 4.23% APY with $50K Saving

Posted by Frisbee168 on 05 November 2005 - 12:12 AM in Online banks

QUOTE(markber @ Nov 4 2005, 11:28 PM)
You can find a 4.50% MM here and you do not have to pay $10 to get this information.
BANKCD charges $10 to release bank contact info. 

QUOTE(Frisbee168 @ Nov 4 2005, 07:56 AM)

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The bank which offers 4.5% APY requires 6-month minimum period but cannot guarantee the 4.5% in the 6 months. It is not good.

4.23%APY is the 2nd high APY now.

#18152 4.23% APY with $50K Saving

Posted by Frisbee168 on 04 November 2005 - 02:56 PM in Online banks

