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There have been 1 items by meleebee (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#18622 I need Help

Posted by meleebee on 20 February 2006 - 01:32 AM in General

QUOTE(tequida @ Feb 18 2006, 05:20 PM)
I need help. I am being evicted from my rental property because my rent check was lost in the mail. It was a cashiers check drawn on US Bank. The check HAS NOT been cashed nor received. The bank refuses to put a stop payment on this check . (company policy)I dont have the money to issue another check as I already paid cash for this one.Is there anyway to force US Bank to put a stop on the check and issue a new one. Or do they just get to keep my $1100.00? I'm sure this is NOT a big issue for you but it is for me as I do not want to move.Is there anyone who can help me?
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Yes, that bank CAN put a stop payment on a cashiers check. As a former bank branch manager I placed stop payments on cashiers checks for legitimate reasons such as this. Perhaps you are talking to the wrong person at the bank. Some people have a false impression that a stop payment can't be put on a cashiers check. Call the headquarters and ask for someone of higher authority than who you are dealing with at the branch. The bank must have evidence you purchased the check. Ask them to write a letter to your landlord verifying that. If all else fails, banks hate bad public relations. A story about you being evicted because the local bank would not help you with a lost check...and was keeping your money...is really bad PR!!! I worked in the banking industry for over 17 years and never met a company policy that could not have an exception made to it. Good Luck :-)
