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There have been 1 items by poorbankservice (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#19767 HSBC Bank

Posted by poorbankservice on 04 August 2006 - 10:56 PM in Washington

I just opened a savings account at HSBC. I was issued a pin number and called customer service to see if it could be changed. They said, "no problem" just log into your secure account and request that your pin number be changed. It will be changed in 48 hours.

I did this, and waited, and waited. All message are supposed to be replied in 24 hours. Four days later I wrote another request. I got a canned message that said I needed to fax my request to Lori and give me her phone number. So who is Lori?

I called customer service again and they reassured me that I could do it online. I tried again and got the same canned message from a different agent.

I called customer service again and they started to tell me the same thing but I told them what the emails said and they said, "You should fax Lori I guess". When I spoke to a supervisor they said there was nothing anyone could do. I told them I was considering canceling my account... pause on the line.... "Please hold", and then I got an agent that said she would be willing to cancel my account but there would be a $25 fee for early cancellation. I guess they really didn't want my business. Are you willing to give them your money? cussing.gif
