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There have been 1 items by N.Fulton (Search limited from 11-June 23)

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#20336 Bank of America Fraud Protection . . . is a fraud

Posted by N.Fulton on 18 October 2006 - 07:52 PM in General

Three years ago I had my wallet stolen. I canceled the checks in my wallet, but Walmart and others stil accepted them. Back of America's fraud division closed the account and gave me a new one. They wired up my $300 alpha credit line to the account. For a while things were great. Then the alpha credit line came off the account. I complained. They said OK we'll wire it up again.

On October 16 I saw I had checks for the account. There were insufficient funds. I called BofA and the representative assured me that the checks would be processed without fees because of the credit line. The next day $175 fees had been assessed. I called and they said the Alpha Credit Line was not associated with the account I had been given, so they could not refund the fees.

So, the moral of the story is, Bank of America's fraud protection is a fraud. They can do things to your account and then charge you hundreds or thousands of dollars in fees because THEY made the changes.

Branch people have less ability to credit back fees than the folks on the phone, and now the folks on the phone say they can't return fees either. Go for a smaller bank, you'll save money in illegal fees.

Make sure when a bank screws you over that you file a Formal Complaint with the treasury department. They can help you get your money back.

