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There have been 1 items by tekkie242 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#21417 Wachovia

Posted by tekkie242 on 30 March 2007 - 03:26 PM in New Jersey

After all of these years, going through so many different banks and having to deal with their hidden fees or bad services, I had finally opened an account with Wachovia and have been satisfied with their service ever since. I have accounts from Bank of America, Bank One, Chase, CitiBank, Washington Mutual and HSBC, but so far Wachovia have topped it off. Every branch I have been to, their workers are always friendly and always have a smile on their face. They work through customer thoroughly and quickly.

Check deposit, I have never seen any problems at all whatsoever, unless the person writing the check to you doesn't have sufficient funds. I have deposited a check up to $3K one time and my funds were readily available the next morning. It goes the same for smaller amounts too. Their online bill pay are also the best, you set it up, and you know that the company will be receiving the payment the next day.

This bank also does not have any hidden fees. They're customer service is good, if they make any mistakes, that's if they do, they will take care of the issue for you right away. The free checking is free, and no direct deposit or once a month bill pay required. So you never have to expect any fees unless you overdraft or withdraw funds from a different bank of course.

So, I would really recommend this bank to anyone of you, if you have it around your area. They are currently expanding nationwide, so be on the lookout for them. content.gif

