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There have been 1 items by namron (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#21608 bank ATM cards

Posted by namron on 25 April 2007 - 06:01 PM in General

Hi, am thinking about living overseas on a part or full time basis in the near future and want to keep my funds in US and make withdrawals for living expenses via an ATM, and manage my acct via internet banking while there. Now I know there are several US banks that offer high yield savings accts on-line only that can be used for this purpose but most issue their bank ATM card with a VISA or Mastercard logo which can also be used as a debit card for point-of-sale transactions which I would have no use for, and they charge an overide fee of between 1-3% just for the priviledge of withdrawing cash from your acct converted into foreign currency. This is just another way for them to profit by guaging the consumer living or traveling overseas and from what I understand is because they are tied to VISA or Mastercard. Now the only bank I have found to date that play this game is Capitol One who issues their ATM card without the VISA or Mastercard logo and claim they do not impose this overide fee as previously mentioned. Does anyone out there know of any other US bank out there that does the same as Capitol One as anyone living overseas should have at least 2 accts for safety and backup purposes. At this time I have no intention of putting any money in a foregin bank or any of those "offshore" type accts as I want my funds to be here in the good old USA. Appreciate any input you members can provide in this regard and many thanks in advance. Namron
