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There have been 2 items by droogle (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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Posted by droogle on 11 October 2007 - 11:27 PM in General

Before you grab one of those $100 bribes US banks are using to grab your direct deposit money from Social Security, know this:

There have been numerous reports on the net of banks not following Federal law, statute and case law, and allowing crooked creditors to freeze social security bank accounts for judgments on privately held debt.
As one example it has been reported that Bank of America has ignored Federal law and wrongly stated that the money from SSA funds once direct deposited is fair game for creditors (not our responsibility) In general, banks are not taking any responsibility for protecting SSA deposited funds from illegal court attachment writs.

For background on this do a search of the usenet group, alt.social-security-disability.

What frequently happens to low income and disabled SSA account holders is that they receive notice their account is frozen and then their checks start bouncing, allowing banks to reap huge fees, not only for the garnishment, but for all outstanding checks and putting these individuals in serious harm. Banks can be sued for damages from these actions, as can the unscrupulous creditors who practice them. But that does not do much for little lady jones who has her rent check bounce and has to hire some shyster attorney to get her SSA money back from the bank.

So before you hop on down and let some bank make money off your money, ask them is they will give you a letter of assurance that SSA DD accounts are protected against private debt judgement attachement. If they will not, and most will not, do not open an account there.

You have been warned. I wrote several Democratic Congressmen about this and they did not answer.
Some of these guys are receiving heavy campaign contributions from the credit industry and banks. As usual both the Democrats and Republicans are looking out for big money interests and care little about the average joe.

I posted earlier on this board asking if there were any banks that did follow the law, and received no replies.
I guess I know now who makes up the membership on this board.

#22558 Garnishment of Direct Deposit Accounts

Posted by droogle on 26 September 2007 - 11:16 PM in Bank lists by feature

Anyone here know of any national U.S. banks that know and follow Federal law and refuse to garnish/attach SSA DD accounts for private debt judgements (illegal under Federal statute and case law)? On point, informative answers please. (Probably know one here knows, but does not hurt to ask).
