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There have been 3 items by netcash (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#24427 Earn $25 -$50 to join prosper.com

Posted by netcash on 19 September 2008 - 12:29 AM in Referral exchange

Prosper.com is a peer-to-peer lending website. It is legitimate. I have been a member for a few years now and earn good interest as a lender.

If you lend on prosper.com, you earn interest from 10-30% (variable depending on your risk tolerance). As with any kinds of investment, this is no guarantee, however. It takes only $50 to get started.

So if you start by being a lender with just $50 and earn bonus of $25, that is 50% return on your investment easily in less than a month. That is at least 600% return/year.

If you borrow, it is likely that you will pay less interest than borrowing from banks and especially now that banks are so strict to give people credit. This is an alternative to fund your business, pay off your high-interest credit card debts, or etc.

Send email to me at [email protected] with the topic "referral link for prosper.com" and tell me your name. (you may use your alias, if prefer). I will send you a link to sign up and you will earn bonus money.

If you sign up directly to prosper.com, you won't earn this bonus.


#24526 Earn $20 bonus for opening Virtual Bank e-money market account.

Posted by netcash on 14 October 2008 - 02:49 AM in Referral exchange

Virtual Bank pays you $20 just to open an account with $100 minimal deposit. Then you will be eligible to refer your friends or family members to earn more bonuses up to total of $1,000. All deposits are FDIC insured up to $250,000 per account.

The process to open the account is really easy.

Please send your real name with correct spelling (the name you use to open the account) to me at

[email protected]

and I will send you the invitation email. The detail will be provided. You have nothing to lose and up to $1,000 to gain.

#24426 $25 Wachovia checking bonus

Posted by netcash on 19 September 2008 - 12:12 AM in Referral exchange

I have referral link to send to you to apply for a free checking account with Wachovia Bank.

Just send email to me at [email protected] with the topic "referral for wachovia" and tell me your name (you may use alias) and I will send you a link to apply.

You will earn $25 easily. You will not earn $25 bonus if you apply directly with Wachovia website. Thanks.
