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There have been 1 items by finvik (Search limited from 08-May 23)

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#24280 Student loan debt is major problem in America

Posted by finvik on 23 August 2008 - 07:09 AM in General

very correct observation in the article. a student has made an irrational decision on whether or not to take out a loan if the annual cost of attendance at their school is $10K and they take out a loan for $10K and wind up with an $40K debt after four years. For many, a student loan is the only way to cover educational expenses. The expectation is that the salary at the end will be so much better than the current salary that the loan will take care of itself. Students need to be disabused of that notion. Or they may not even finish school, and then they’re stuck paying for an education on a salary of a non-educated person.
