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There have been 1 items by jrspiezio (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#18360 $20 for new VirtualBank eMoney Market Account

Posted by jrspiezio on 27 December 2005 - 01:05 AM in Referral exchange

Get a $20 bonus for opening a Virtual Bank eMoney Market account (3.55% APY as of 12/26/2005) if you do this via a referral invitation. You have to open an account within 30 days after you receive an invitation. See more details of the referral program below.

If you need a referral invitation, send me your email address, first and last names that you want me to use in Virtual Bank referral form to this email address: [email protected]

Once you get a Virtual Bank MM account, you can start referring other people to Virtual Bank using iBankDesign referral board. You can refer up-to 50 friends and receive up-to $1000 in referral bonuses ($20 per new customer)

Terms of referral offer.

To earn the $20.00 you must open your eMoney Market account using the link in your referral. Sorry, this offer is not available if you are an existing Virtual Bank accountholder. The $20.00 will be deposited into your eMoney Market account when you open it with an electronic ACH Transfer from your local bank. The $20.00 will not be available for withdrawal for 30 days and will be reported as interest on your 1099INT.

What's the catch? There isn't one! Virtual Bank wants to encourage you to open an eMoney Market account and the $20.00 is our way of welcoming you to the Bank. Let us show you the benefits of saving online.

