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There have been 2 items by Springer (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#2456 Billing/banking histories

Posted by Springer on 21 March 2005 - 12:15 AM in General

Indiana does have all that has been described in this string. For paper checks, one can see images, for e-generated checks, there is language in the description of the check as to what the check was for.

My problem is that everything dissolves quickly. In six months, the bill-pay history is gone as are the images. The descriptive language is expunged from my statement, so I have no idea, looking at old statements, what the e-checks were for.

I'd like a bank where one can access everything for at least two years. Or forever!! Why not??

#1780 Billing/banking histories

Posted by Springer on 06 March 2005 - 06:59 PM in General

I bank at First IB of Indiana. Occassionally I need to go back into my records to examine older transactions (e.g. I am doing my taxes this weekend and want to look up all the 2004 charitable contributions I made). The statements I get from First IB are not detailed...just a check number and an amount, and the Billpay history goes back only 6 months.

Is there an internet bank that does a better job of giving one acess to one's older records?

