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There have been 8 items by tmmycat (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#2363 Offers only: ING direct: $25/$10

Posted by tmmycat on 17 March 2005 - 02:33 PM in Referral exchange

I have 25 ING Direct referrals available as of today (3/17/05). Email your first and last name to janiepumphrey[at]gmail.com. I would be happy to send you a referral so you can get $25.

I have gmail notifier on my computer at work, so I can even respond right away if you e-mail me during business hours (M-F, 9-5 eastern time).


#3314 Requests only: ING Direct $25/$10 referral program

Posted by tmmycat on 22 April 2005 - 07:48 PM in Referral exchange

Erika, I just sent you one!

#3050 Requests only: ING Direct $25/$10 referral program

Posted by tmmycat on 14 April 2005 - 05:32 PM in Referral exchange

glad I can help! smile.gif

2b: You can send them to the same e-mail address. This strategy definitely works - I have successfully gotten 5 referral bonuses so far from various different people who used my direct links - and I sent all of my referral emails to my own email address.

I know it works because ING sends me an email whenever someone signs up using a link that I generated, and then the bonus is deposited in my account the next day. I guess they just check the identity of the people who apply, to make sure those are unique.


#3045 Requests only: ING Direct $25/$10 referral program

Posted by tmmycat on 14 April 2005 - 04:51 PM in Referral exchange

To answer your questions:

1: There is a 30-day hold on bonuses. The money is in your account and it earns interest during that time, you just can't withdraw it until the 30-day wait is over.

2a: Each link is only good for one person, but each person who has an account can "generate" up to 25 referral links (or referral emails, whichever you prefer).

2b: To get the URLs for the direct links, I sent referral emails to myself and then copied the URL from the email and posted it. Anyone with an ING Direct account can use this strategy. ING Direct doesn't actually use the first name and last name except to customize the e-mail and make it look personalized to the person who receives it. (In other words, the bank doesn't check to make sure the person who opens the account is the same person who received the referral email.)

So far, 5 people have used my direct links and they received a bonus. The only disadvantage to using a direct link (since the direct link is posted for everyone) is: you need to check to see whether or not the direct link has been used yet. The blue text above the application form will tell you if the link has been used.

3: You do need to wait a few days while your account is being opened and verified, before you can log in and start making referrals.

hope that helps.

#3047 Requests only: ING Direct $25/$10 referral program

Posted by tmmycat on 14 April 2005 - 05:09 PM in Referral exchange

Here are a couple of direct links, since it sounds like you're interested in using one - I just checked to make sure they work:

[edited: removed the link that someone else used]

[edited: removed the link that BoostAddict used]


#3218 Virtual Bank $20 bonus

Posted by tmmycat on 19 April 2005 - 01:00 PM in Referral exchange

mir322, I removed the direct links from my original post. I know that ING Direct doesn't check to make sure the person opening the account is the same one who got the email ... I didn't realize that VB did check that.

what a bummer that the direct links won't work, because those are really convenient with ING direct. Oh well! smile.gif

If anyone would like a referral, you can still e-mail me. I will send you one that's definitely customized for you.

QUOTE(mir322 @ Apr 18 2005, 04:02 PM)
Yikes...I wouldn't recommend doing this! VB checks the names you refer to match up with who actually signs up!
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#3187 Virtual Bank $20 bonus

Posted by tmmycat on 18 April 2005 - 06:45 PM in Referral exchange

I have lots of Virtual Bank referral bonuses available.

[edited: removed direct links]

To get a referral email, send your first and last name to [email protected] and I will reply as soon as possible.

$100 minimum is required to open a Virtual Bank account.

#7738 Question about direct links for ING Direct bonus

Posted by tmmycat on 14 June 2005 - 10:26 PM in Referral exchange

Do "direct links" work for ING Direct?
In other words, if you signed up with a direct link instead of an email - did you get your $25 signup bonus OK?

I have been posting direct links ... and I get my $10 referral bonus when someone signs up using one of my direct links ... I just want to make sure it's working on the other end too ...

Thanks in advance for your responses.
