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rafe1982's Content

There have been 1 items by rafe1982 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#2544 Offers only: ING direct: $25/$10

Posted by rafe1982 on 23 March 2005 - 04:13 AM in Referral exchange

Get $25 to sign up for an ING savings account with a rate of 2.80%! You pay no fees for anything and you can link it to any checking or savings account that you already have. There is no charge for transferring money between accounts or for any other part of the service. I am a trusted ebay buyer and seller with 100% 131 positive feedback (which can be viewed at this link) and if you are signing up for ING please let me be your referral! Please send your first name and last name along with your email address to me at [email protected] and put "$25" in the subject. I will reply to you immediately. If you have a question about myself or ING please put 'question' in the subject. Thank you! smile.gif
