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There have been 2 items by grobe (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#3716 Online bank: good rates, free ACH, checking?

Posted by grobe on 02 May 2005 - 02:28 AM in General

I am looking for an online bank which has good rates, free ACH (in and out) to multiple accounts and free checking. A limited number of checks (such as the money market limit of 6 transactions, 3 as paper checks per month) is OK. So far I have not had much luck finding such an account (it seems I can get 2 out the 3 requirements). Any suggestions?

PS. Currently I am using a combination of an ING savings account (good rate, free ACH (in and out) but no checking) and American Bank's PC Banker (ACH in only, free checking, adequate rate--but this rate is limited to $10,000)

Thank you.

#5765 Online bank: good rates, free ACH, checking?

Posted by grobe on 24 May 2005 - 04:26 AM in General

I ended up going with GMAC Bank, their Money Market Account
with 3.10% interest, up to 6 withdrawals a month (up to 3 via checking), an ATM card, and allows multiple free ACH transfers (both IN and Out)
