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There have been 4 items by ramstein (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#18925 Looking for 0% for college

Posted by ramstein on 08 April 2006 - 11:49 PM in General discussion

one class = 700$? wow expensive!

#18926 Cheap credit monitoring service?

Posted by ramstein on 08 April 2006 - 11:50 PM in General discussion


"Experian, the credit reporting agency has recently released a new Credit Monitoring Service, called Triple Alert. Costing $4.99 per month, Triple Alert will monitor your credit reports at all 3 major bureaus, including Experian®, TransUnion, and Equifax, and immediately notify you if any major changes occur in your reports.

4.99$ per month for such a useful service is really good. Other similar services cost between $9.99 - $19.99 per month"

anyone planning on using this service?

#18949 Student loan debt is major problem in America

Posted by ramstein on 11 April 2006 - 11:15 PM in General

"Graduating seniors who just finished their degrees on average carry debts of $19,000 or more. On the other hand, medical graduate students carry debts in the range $19,000 - $105,000 (Source: Department of Education).

Tuition fees have risen 32% at 4 year private colleges whilst they have risen by 41% at public universities and colleges. Average accomodation and board and room fees at private colleges cost $29000 at private colleges while costing $12000 at public institutions."

read full article here http://www.moneysavi...loan-debts.html

#20360 Current v/s Acid Test Ratio

Posted by ramstein on 21 October 2006 - 05:27 PM in General

When bankers look at accounting ratios of a firm, do they look at the current ratio or the acid-test ratio?

it says here http://www.financesc...ity-ratios.html

"The Quick or Acid-Test Ratio is very similar to the Current Ratio only that it eliminates Inventory and Prepaid Assets from the calculation of Current Assets. Why inventory? Inventory is often the least liquid current asset that the company can hold. Inventory is also prone to obsolescence, damage or theft. Furthermore, a large amount of inventory being held shows operation inefficiency of the firm"

So i guess the Acid-TEst ratio is more relevant than the current ratio and thats what bankers use?
