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There have been 1 items by mjg (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#19917 Moving from USA to Canada

Posted by mjg on 25 August 2006 - 01:14 PM in General

Hi, I fully understand your plight. I'm Canadian and moved to the US about 6 years ago and faced the same issues. even though I had almost 20 years of credit history in Canada and both credit bureaus (Equifax and Transunion) do business in both countries, i was refused time and time again when applying for credit here. even though i explained my situation and offered credit card statements (Royal Bank) and even had bank managers say that should be sufficient and they would follow it up, i would get the same letter stating that for lack of credit history, i was being denied. of course, each denial hurting my already non-existant credit score. my only way around it was to get a secured card and play that game so i decided to continue to use my Canadian credit card. i had to go through the same ordeal with a home mortgage and settle for a higher rate because of my lack of credit history.

basically the way I saw it, if my credit history didn't happen in this country, then it didn't happen.

i now have a decent credit score in this country and it's behind me but i recall the frustration and really a lack of anyone who could sympathize with me or was really willing to help me.

hang in there.

QUOTE(vojd @ May 30 2006, 05:31 PM) View Post

cussing.gif I recently moved from upstate New York to Ottawa, that is just 90 miles north.
Naturally, I need to open canadian bank accounts (to get my pay) and credit cards (to avoid currency conversions). And I found that extremely difficult and painful.

First of all, there are much less good deals here and conditions are worse.

Second, it seems to me that two credit bureau (Equifax and Transunion) here do not share their own databases! Cust. rep. in Equifax (by the way US company) said they do. But why I am getting refused for any credit card I apply in Canada and getting accepted in US??!

Third, even to open a checking account (P&C) they check your canadian credit history and refuse you if you do not have it! Unbelievable! I an bringing money not asking for some.

Fourth, I have two credit cards with Citibank USA. I tried to open one in Citibank Canada (with worse cashback option than US) and they refused me! I gave them all information again and they still re-processing validating the same info 3 times already!

And dealing with other services not fun either. How do you like CAD 99.99 security deposit + account activation fee (without any connection) from HydroOttawa?

Does anybody have the same problems?
