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chad25ira's Content

There have been 2 items by chad25ira (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#8081 $75 bonus - Brookline Bank : Max Checking; Exp. - expired

Posted by chad25ira on 24 June 2005 - 02:35 PM in Expired bank bonuses

Brookline Bank offers $75.00 Sign-up bonus for Max Checking account
$100.00 to open Requires Direct Deposit $5000.00 min bal to avoid monthly fee,
fees waived for first 6 mo's www.brooklinebank.com

#5034 Get $75 from Chase/Bank One

Posted by chad25ira on 19 May 2005 - 11:49 PM in Expired bank bonuses

I tried to open via phone csr, no branch in my area. The checking account could be opened bu the E-Coupon could not be used via phone. I can't reach a branch so I cant get the $75.00 deal. any feedback would be great. I thought about writing to customer service about an overide for the csr to use?
