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$25 ING Direct bonus - direct referral links

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#1 taurusbox


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Posted 08 August 2005 - 02:53 PM

Current APR 4.75%
No Minimum Balance required (except initial deposit of $250 to get $25 bonus)
No Fees
$25 Bonus for opening savings account with minimum initial deposit of $250
Free transfers between your current checking account and ING Savings account

If you would like to open an ING Direct account and get the $25 referral bonus, you can use one of the direct links below. You must make an initial deposit of at least $250 to receive the $25.00 Bonus.



To make sure you get the $25 bonus, you need to use a referral link that hasn't been used yet by someone else. I just checked these links to make sure they are "fresh" - but you should check the link too to make sure you get the bonus.

Here's how to check the links and use them:
1) click on one of the links above
2) click "Open Now"
3) look at the blue text above the application form - it will tell you if the link has been used yet.

Please remember that if your initial opening deposit is less than $250, you will not receive your $25 bonus.

#2 haha0550



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Posted 11 August 2005 - 12:08 AM

This is no longer a deal, why you guys continue posting? There are so many banks having better yield then ING direct. This is not a win-win situation any more.

#3 taurusbox


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Posted 31 August 2005 - 01:43 PM

Can you name many banks with better rate? No bank will give you instant $25 for opening a savings account. wink.gif
