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Citibank ditches Yodlee aggregation service

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#1 markber


    1 billion bucks

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Posted 22 August 2005 - 09:30 PM

I am not surprised considering how often Yodlee stopped to update my account information for no reason and how slow it is fixing its bugs.

Here is an email I received from Citibank.

"We're sending you this e-mail because our records show that you are enrolled in the My Accounts aggregation service on Citibank Online and to let you know that as of September 30, 2005, this service will no longer be available.

However, please be aware that if you've been using My Accounts online account aggregation service to view and manage your other Citi accounts (such as your credit card or mortgage), that there is an alternative: You can link these accounts to your Citibank ATM/Debit Card.
