Check also best rates of checking, savings and money market accounts
UPDATED 1/09/2006
sorta reposted from ibankdesign...and credit to the people at FW who constantly update it...I'll do my best.
Thank you and please feel free to mention any rates you don't see... (hit reply or PM me! )
Below is a copy of the list of best CD rates from the uppchy's thread on FW (see the link below). If you know a bank with good CD rate that should be on this list please post info about it here.
Thank you and please feel free to mention any rates you don't see... (hit reply or PM me! )
Below is a copy of the list of best CD rates from the uppchy's thread on FW (see the link below). If you know a bank with good CD rate that should be on this list please post info about it here.
- Symbols:
$ - Opening balance under $2500
$$ - Opening balance $2500 to $9,999
$$$ - Opening balance $10,000 to $24,999
$$$$ - Opening balance $25,000 and higher (+ denotes high end of range)
as of 1/09/06 (upto 2 years)
3 Month (tentative threshold is 4.15%)
4.47% - Stearns Bank $$$$+
4.45% - UFB Direct $$$$+ (starts at 4.08%)
4.40% - ESB Bank $$$$ (starts at 4.06%)
4.35% - GMAC Bank $
4.35% - IndyMac $$
4.34% - EverBank $
4.33% - First Internet Bank of Indiana $
4.30% - Umbrella Bank $
4.30% - First Financial CU $$$$+
4.28% - KeyDirect $$$$ (starting at 4.23%)
4.27% - $$$
4.25% - Virtualbank $$$
4.25% - GiantBank $
4.25% - Meadows CU $
4.20% - LaSalle Bank $$$
4.15% - eBank $
6 Month (tentative threshold is 4.25%)
4.86% - World Savings In-branch only
4.70% - Corus Bank $$$
4.68% - Resource Bank $$
4.65% - Stearns Bank $$$$+
4.62% - KeyDirect $$$$ (starting at 4.56%)
4.60% - UFB Direct $$$$+ (starts at 4.08%)
4.60% - GMAC Bank $
4.59% - First Internet Bank of Indiana $
4.56% - E*trade Bank $
4.55% - Countrywide Bank $ (starts at 4.25%)
4.55% - Ascencia Bank $
4.52% - $$$
4.51% - GiantBank $
4.51% - EverBank $
4.5084% - Lehman Brothers Bank $
4.50% - IndyMac $$
4.50% - Umbrella Bank $
4.50% - ESB Bank $$$$ (starts at 4.06%)
4.45% - First Financial CU $$$$+
4.45% - Nexity Bank $
4.45% - Transportation Alliance Bank $
4.40% - Bank of Internet $
4.40% - Virtualbank $$$
4.35% - Allied First Bank $
4.35% - State Farm Bank $$$$+
4.35% - NetBank $
4.35% - La Jolla Bank $
4.35% - LaSalle Bank $$$
4.35% - eBank $
4.30% - Imperial Capital Bank $
4.30% - Advanta Bank $$$
4.27% - Self-Help CU $
4.25% - Citibank $
4.25% - Assurance Partners Bank $
4.25% - Amtrust Bank $
4.25% - Ohio Savings Bank $
9 Month (tentative threshold is 4.25%)
4.60% - Countrywide Bank $ (starts at 4.40%)
4.60% - GMAC Bank $
4.60% - EverBank $
4.57% - Nexity Bank $
4.56% - $$$
4.53% - Advanta Bank $$$
4.50% - IndyMac $$
4.50% - ESB Bank $$$$ (starts at 4.06%)
4.45% - Ohio Savings Bank $
4.40% - Bank of Internet $
4.40% - PNC Bank
4.40% - Imperial Capital Bank $
4.40% - Virtualbank $$$
4.39% - Pacific Trust Bank $$$$+
4.35% - Amtrust Bank $
4.30% - Assurance Partners Bank $
4.29% - Home Bank of California $$$
4.25% - People's Bank $
4.25% - ING Direct $
1 Year (tentative threshold is 4.60%)
4.889% - Corus Bank $$$
4.85% - Countrywide Bank $
4.85% - Advanta Bank $$$$+
4.84% - $$$
4.81% - Alliance Bank $$
4.80% - GMAC Bank $
4.80% - Centennial Bank $$
4.80% - Intervest National Bank $
4.80% - IndyMac $$
4.80% - Umbrella Bank $
4.78% - M&T Bank $$
4.76% - Transportation Alliance Bank $
4.76% - GiantBank $
4.71% - California First National Bank $
4.7071% - Lehman Brothers Bank $
4.70% - Assurance Partners Bank $
4.70% - Ascencia Bank $
4.70% - NetBank $
4.70% - Nexity Bank $
4.70% - UFB Direct $$$$+
4.70% - Stearns Bank $$$$+
4.70% - Virtualbank $$$
4.67% - KeyDirect $$$$
4.66% - Pacific Mercantile Bank $
4.65% - EverBank $
4.65% - First Inernet Bank of Indiana $
4.65% - Providian $$$$
4.65% - Bank of Internet $
4.64% - Self-Help CU $
4.63% - E*trade Bank $
4.60% - Ohio Savings Bank $
4.60% - UFB Banking Center $$$$
4.60% - Imperial Capital Bank $
4.60% - eBank $
1.5 Year (tentative threshold is 4.67%)
4.90% - Advanta Bank $$$$+
4.85% - Intervest National Bank $
4.85% - Countrywide Bank $
4.81% - Pacific Mercantile Bank $
4.81% - Alliance Bank $$
4.80% - National Bank of Kansas City $
4.80% - GMAC Bank $
4.80% - IndyMac $$
4.76% - Bank of Internet $
4.76% - GiantBank $
4.7595% - Lehman Brothers Bank $
4.75% - Amtrust Bank $
4.75% - Ohio Savings Bank $
4.75% - NetBank $
4.75% - Stearns Bank $$$$+
4.70% - Virtualbank $$$
4.70% - Umbrella Bank $
4.70% - First Internet Bank of Indiana $
4.70% - Assurance Partners Bank $
4.67% - Providian $$$$
4.67% - E*trade Bank $
4.67% - KeyDirect $$$$
4.67% - EverBank $
2.0 Year (tentative threshold is 4.75%)
4.92% - Pacific Mercantile Bank $
4.91% - Bank of Internet $
4.90% - Amtrust Bank $
4.90% - Ohio Savings Bank $
4.90% - Advanta Bank $$$$+
4.90% - Intervest National Bank $
4.88% - Self-Help CU $
4.87% - Countrywide Bank $
4.86% - Transportation Alliance Bank $
4.85% - Centennial Bank $$
4.85% - Assurance Partners Bank $
4.81% - Alliance Bank $$
4.8014% - Lehman Brothers Bank $
4.80% - Nexity Bank $
4.80% - GMAC Bank $
4.80% - UFB Direct $$$$+
4.80% - Ascencia Bank $
4.80% - IndyMac $$
4.80% - Stearns Bank $$$$+
4.80% - Virtualbank $$$
4.80% - NetBank $
4.77% - Providian $$$$
4.75% - Pentagon Federal CU $
4.75% - First Internet Bank of Indiana $
4.75% - GiantBank $
4.75% - National Bank of Kansas City $
4.75% - Allied First Bank $
4.75% - California First National Bank $
4.75% - ING Direct $
3 Year (tentative threshold is 4.80%)
5.50% - Pentagon Federal CU $
5.00% - Amtrust Bank $
5.00% - Ohio Savings Bank $
5.00% - Intervest National Bank $
5.00% - Pacific Premier Bank $$
5.00% - Salem Five $$?
4.97% - Pacific Mercantile Bank $
4.95% - Assurance Partners Bank $
4.92% - Transportation Alliance Bank $
4.91% - Bank of Internet $
4.90% - Centennial Bank $$
4.90% - Stearns Bank $$$$+
4.90% - Virtualbank $$$
4.90% - GMAC Bank $
4.90% - Countrywide Bank $
4.90% - Advanta Bank $$$$+
4.88% - Self-Help CU $
4.86% - Interstate netBank $
4.8538% - Lehman Brothers Bank $
4.85% - NetBank $
4.85% - First Internet Bank of Indiana $
4.82% - KeyDirect $$$$
4.81% - Providian $$$$
4.80% - California First National Bank $
4.80% - Discover Bank $$$$
4.80% - UFB Direct $$$$+
4.80% - Nexity Bank $
4.80% - IndyMac $$
4.80% - GiantBank $
4.80% - Allied First Bank $
4.80% - Ascencia Bank $
4 Years (tentative threshold is 4.80%)
5.50% - Pentagon Federal CU $
5.03% - Intervest National Bank $
5.00% - Assurance Partners Bank $
5.00% - Pacific Premier Bank $$
5.00% - First National Bank of Chillicothe $
4.98% - Transportation Alliance Bank $
4.96% - First Internet Bank of Indiana $
4.95% - Virtualbank $$$
4.95% - GMAC Bank $
4.92% - Countrywide Bank $
4.90% - NetBank $
4.91% - Bank of Internet $
4.91% - Centennial Bank $$
4.9062% - Lehman Brothers Bank $
4.90% - Discover Bank $$$$
4.90% - Allied First Bank $
4.89% - Self-Help CU $
4.85% - KeyDirect $$$$
4.85% - Advanta Bank $$$$+
4.81% - Home Bank of California $$$
4.80% - IndyMac $$
4.80% - ING Direct $
5 Years (tentative threshold is 4.80%)
5.75% - Pentagon Federal CU $
5.50% - Mutual Bank $$
5.23% - Pacific Mercantile Bank $
5.20% - Third Federal Bank $
5.15% - E*trade Bank $
5.14% - World Savings $$
5.10% - Assurance Partners Bank $
5.06% - First Internet Bank of Indiana $
5.05% - KeyDirect $$$$
5.05% - Intervest National Bank $
5.05% - First National Bank of Chillicothe $
5.04% - Transportation Alliance Bank $
5.02% - Bank of Internet $
5.00% - Salem Five $$?
5.00% - GMAC Bank $
5.00% - Pacific Premier Bank $$
5.00% - Allied First Bank $
5.00% - Stearns Bank $$$$+
5.00% - Virtualbank $$$
5.00% - NetBank $
4.96% - Centennial Bank $$
4.9587% - Lehman Brothers Bank $
4.95% - Digital CU $$$$+
4.95% - Discover Bank $$$$
4.95% - Countrywide Bank $
4.91% - Self-Help CU $
4.91% - Providian $$$$
4.90% - EverBank $
4.88% - Western Division CU $$$$
4.87% - Home Bank of California $$$
4.86% - Space City CU $
4.86% - Interstate netBank $
4.85% - Advanta Bank $$$$+
4.85% - GiantBank $
4.85% - ING Direct $
4.80% - Nexity Bank $
4.80% - Compass Bank $$
4.80% - California First National Bank $
4.80% - UFB Direct $$$$+
4.80% - IndyMac $$
4.80% - First Financial CU $$$$+
Odd Term (tentative threshold is 4.00% and up)
U $$$$+ 15 days ESB Bank 4.20%
U $$$$+ 2 mo ESB Bank 4.30%
$$$$+ 2 mo Stearns Bank 4.12%
$$ 4 mo Access National Bank 4.25%
$$ 23 mo Access National Bank 4.65%
$$ 37 mo Access National Bank 4.75%
$$ 4 mo Flagstar Bank 4.20%
$$ 4 mo CharterOne 4.15% (local in branch only)
$ 8 mo Bank of Gravett 4.07%
$ 14 mo Bank of Gravett 4.54%
$ 25 mo Bank of Gravett 5.01%
$$ 8 mo First US CU 4.00%
$ 11 mo Kentucky National 4.60%
$$ 13 mo Flagstar Bank 4.60%
$$$ 4 mo Superior Savings 4.16%
$$$ 10 mo Superior Savings 4.26%
$$$$ 7 mo Pacific Trust 4.23% (starts at 3.02%)
$$$ 10 mo eCertificate Meadows Credit Union 4.07% (email address to join)
$$$ 10 mo Wells Fargo Bank 4.02% (rates vary by state)
$$$$ 13 mo Chevy Chase Bank 4.76% (starts at 3.51%)
$$ 14 mo Digital Credit Union 4.65% - members only; easy to qualify
$ 14 mo Third Federal Savings 4.60%
$ 26 mo Third Federal Savings 4.75%
$ 15 mo E*Trade Financial 4.60%
$$ 17 mo Suntrust 4.50%
$ 30 mo Self Help CU 5.03%
N $$ 30 mo Mutual Bank 5.00%
$ 30 mo Assurance PArtners Bank 4.90%
U $ 30 mo Amtrust Bank 4.85%
U $$$ 30 mo Countrywide 4.80%
$$$$ 30 mo KeyDirect 4.75% (starts at 4.70%)
$$$ 30 mo Advanta Bank Corp 4.70%
$$$ 42 mo Advanta Bank Corp 4.75%