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Get 5% for 6 months with First Rate Checking account from Pulaski Bank

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#1 markber


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Posted 06 October 2005 - 02:38 AM

The following information about Pulaski Bank was posted by vandelay in this thread

I called Pulaski Bank today and mentioned this offer, and they had not heard of it. They said they have no savings accounts with rates higher than 4% (their highest CD rate was 4%). However, they said on their First Rate Checking account, they are offering an introductory rate of 4.91% (5% APY) for the first 6 months for balances up to $10,000. Any money above $10,000 only earns 0.50%. To avoid the $12 monthly service charge, maintain a minimum balance of $1,000 and make at least 5 withdrawals per month. They said any kind of debit counts: automated withdrawal, ATM, debit card, etc. So I say just link it to another account like ING and schedule 5 recurring transfers each month. They said they cannot open an account over the phone or online, but they said they would mail me an application, even though I live nowhere near Arkansas. So this isn't just a local deal.
