An interest bearing checking account that rewards your banking behavior with one of the highest checking interest yields around on balances up to $25,000*. Gulf Coast will also reimburse ATM fees nationwide any monthly cycle you meet the 3 qualifiers below!!
To earn 5.51% AND have your ATM fees refunded, simply meet these 3 easy qualifiers each cycle:
Minimum of 12 check card purchases
One Automatic Payment(ACH), Direct Deposit transfer or Online Bill Payment
Receive your monthly account statement electronically (eStatements)
No monthly service charge.
*5.51% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) paid on balances up to $25,000 and 1.01% APY on the portion of balances above $25,000 each cycle the qualifications are met. 0.10% APY will be paid on the entire balance in any cycle where the requirements are not met. **Effective April 14, 2009, ATM fee refunds will be limited up to $4.99 per ATM withdrawal each cycle qualifications are met; ATM fees will not be refunded for each cycle qualifications are not met. Annual Percentage Yields (APY) are effective 9/29/2008 and are subject to change without notice. No minimum balance requirement or service charge. Available for Personal Accounts only. See Banker for more Details. Interest Checking Patent Pending by Banc Vue.