# 4.26% APY* on balances up to $25,000
# 1.25% APY* on balances from $25,001 to $50,000
# 0.50% APY* on balances over $50,000
To receive the premium rate, simply do the following:
* Set up a recurring direct deposit of payroll, pension, or retirement
* Receive monthly e-statements instead of paper statements
* Make 15 debit card transactions with a minimum of five dollars. (**Please note these must be credit transactions. When prompted to select debit or credit, always choose credit to qualify).
Most of these things you're probably doing already!
People meeting the following criteria are eligible to join the credit union:
* If they live, work, regularly do business in, worship or attend school in Jefferson County, Lewis County, or one of the following Towns in St. Lawrence County,Canton, Clare, Clifton, Colton, Dekalb, DePeyster, Edwards, Fine, Fowler, Gouverneur Hammond, Hermon, Hopkinton, Lawrence, Macomb, Piercefield, Pitcarin and Rossie.
* If they work for one of the credit union's Select Employer Groups (SEGs) listed below.
* If they are retired as a pensioner or annuitant from one of our SEGs.
* If they are an immediate family member or household member of an eligible person.
Affiliated Businesses and Organizations:
* 3G Volunteer Fire Dept.
* Adams, Town of
* Adams Center Fire Department
* Alexandria, Town of
* Alexandria Bay, Village of
* Alexandria Central School District
* AMF Bowling, Inc.
* Anderson Equipment Company (NY)
* ARC Oneida-Lewis Chapter NYSARC
* Beaver River Central School District
* BEL Associates, Inc.
* Belleville-Henderson Central Schools
* Benjamin Printing, Inc
* Bernier, Carr & Associates, PC
* Black River Paper Company
* Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Watertown
* Boonville Big M
* Brookside Senior Living
* Cape Vincent, Town of
* CareGivers
* Car-Freshner Corporation
* Carthage Area Hospital
* Carthage Care at Home
* Carthage Central School District
* Central Service & Credit Bureau
* Champion Town of
* Chapin Watermatics
* Cheney Tire
* Children's Home of Jefferson County
* Cives Steel
* Clayton, Town of
* Clayton, Village of
* Clifton Fine Central School
* Clifton Fine Hospital
* Community Action Planning Council
* Conboy, McKay, Bachman & Kendall
* Copenhagen Central School District
* Cota Flooring
* Countryside Veterinary Clinic
* CR Allen Office Products
* Creative Imaging
* Credo Foundation
* Crossley Dental Associates P.C.
* Crowley Foods
* Cyclotherm of Watertown Inc.
* Back to Top
* Day's Inn
* DC Building Systems
* Decorative Specialty, Inc.
* Deferiet, Village of
* Disabled Person's Action Organization
* DOHL Development Center
* Dunn & Countryman Agency
* Eagle Beverage Company, Inc.
* East Road Adult Home
* Edwards, Town of
* Edwards-Knox Central School
* EJ Noble Hospital (Gouverneur)
* Elwin L. Stillman, MD
* Empire Northeast
* Essenlohr Motors, Inc.
* Evans Mills, Village of
* Family Counseling Service
* Family Practice Associates
* Fibermark DSI (Brownville)
* Fibermark DSI (Lowville)
* Fishercast
* Flack Broadcasting
* Freeman Bus
* Fuccillo Automotive Group
* Fun Unlimited
* FX Caprara Car Companies
* General Brown Central School District
* Genesis Healthcare of NY
* Gilco Trucking
* Gouverneur, Village of
* Gouverneur Dental Assoc.
* Gouverneur Rescue Squad
* Gouverneur Talc Company
* Gray's Wholesale, Inc.
* Great Lakes Cheese of New York
* Griffith Oil Company
* Guifoyle Ambulance
* GYMO, Inc.
* Hammond Central School District
* Harrisville Central School District
* Henderson, Town of
* Holy Family Parochial School
* Hospice of Jefferson County
* Hounsfield, Town of
* Immaculate Heart Central School
* Indian River Central School District
* Interface Solutions
* Back to Top
* Jefferson Abstract
* Jefferson Community College
* Jefferson County
* Jefferson County Women's Center
* Jefferson Rehabilitation Center
* Jeff-Lewis Board of Realtors'
* Jeff-Lewis BOCES
* JH Burnash & Co., Inc.
* JW Ferry Veterinarian
* Kinney Drugs
* Kinny Nursing Home
* Knowlton Specialty Papers
* LaFargeville Central School District
* Ledges, The
* Lehmans Farm & Home Supply
* Lewis & Clinch
* Lewis County
* Lewis County General Hospital
* Lewis County Opportunities
* Local 910 - IBEW
* Lorraine, Town of
* Lowville, Village of
* Lowville Academy and Central School
* Lowville Dairy Producers Co-op
* Lyme, Town of
* Lyme Central School District
* Lyng's Office Center
* Manpower Staffing
* McGrann Paper Corp.
* Meade Opticians
* Metal Man Services
* Moncrief Land Surveying, P.C.
* Morrison's Furniture Store
* Moulton's Construction
* Mustard Seed, The
* Back to Top
* Nesco
* New York Air Brake Corp.
* North Country Children's Clinic
* Northern Appraisal Service
* Northern Lights Chiropractic
* Northern NY Cerebral Palsy Assoc
* Northland
* OB/GYN Association of NY
* O'Brien's Restaurant and Bar
* Otis Technology, Inc.
* Orleans, Town of
* Overhead Door Company of Watertown
* Parkview Cleaners
* Payroll Store, The
* Planned Parenthood of NNY
* Purcell Construction
* Renzi Brothers, Inc.
* River Hospital
* Riverside Iron Works
* Rod's Big M
* Ruddell Business Machines, Inc.
* Rutland, Town of
* Sackets Harbor, Village of
* Sackets Harbor Central School District
* Sacred Heart Parochial School
* Samaritan Medical Center
* Sandy Creek Big M
* See-Way Optical Lab
* Service Master by Meola
* South Jefferson Central School District
* STAT Communications
* St. Lawrence Explosives Corp.
* St. Patrick's Parochial School
* Stature Electric
* Stebbins Engineering & Mfr
* Stream, Watertown
* Swartz Law Firm
* Back to Top
* Teal's Express
* Thousand Island Central School District
* Thousand Island Girl Scout Council
* Time Warner Cable
* Timeless Frames / Kelly Woodproducts
* Timothy Farley, Atrorney at Law
* Truesdell Furniture, Inc.
* Tug Hill Construction Co., Inc.
* Turck's Pontiac-GMC Trucks, Inc.
* Valentine Stores/Nice 'N Easy Grocery Shop
* Victims Assistance Center of Jefferson County, Inc.
* Viking Cives USA
* W & E Allen
* Waite Toyota
* Watertown, City of
* Watertown, Town of
* Watertown City School District
* Watertown Lions Club
* Watson, Town of
* West Carthage, Village of
* William C. Brown & Sons
* Wilna, Town of
* WWTI - 50