Earn cash rewards of 1% of new net retail purchase transactions (qualifying purchases less credits, returns and adjustments) charged to the card each billing cycle. For the first six months following the opening of your account, you will earn 5% of new net retail purchase transactions (consisting of 4% bonus cash rewards and 1% base cash rewards) made with the card at any eligible gas, grocery and drug store merchant. To be eligible for bonus cash rewards, your credit card account must be open with charging privileges and purchases must be made at an eligible merchant. Eligible merchants and their associated merchant category codes ("MCC") are the following: (a) Gas Stations (MCC codes 5541 and 5542); (B) Grocery Stores (MCC codes 5411, 5422, 5441, 5451, 5462, and 5499); and © Pharmacy Stores (MCC codes 5122, 5295, and 5912). Purchases made at merchants that do not process transactions under these terms will not qualify and you will not receive the bonus cash rewards benefit. Qualifying bonus cash rewards transactions must post to your account within the first six months following the opening of your account. All credit transactions (returns) posted within the first six months following the opening of your account will result in a reduction of bonus cash rewards and base cash rewards for the amount of the transaction. Allow up to 60 days for bonus cash rewards adjustments to appear on your credit card billing statement or online statement. Bank of America reserves the right to verify eligibility of all transactions.
You will qualify for $100 in bonus cash rewards if you use your new account to make purchases totaling at least $500 (exclusive of credits, returns and adjustments) that post to your account within 90 days of the account open date. Limit (1) item per new account. This one time promotion is limited to new customers opening an account in response to this offer. Allow 8-12 weeks from qualifying for the bonus cash rewards to post to your rewards balance