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Get $50 from Stonebridge Bank

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#1 markber


    1 billion bucks

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Posted 15 February 2004 - 04:17 PM

The program is terminated

You can get $25 for opening a checking or MM accounts and keeping $750 balance for 3 months + $25 for direct deposit to Stonebridge bank (see a citation from a referral invitation letter below).

An account should be open through a referral link in order to qualify for the bonuses. You can send me referral requests to [email protected].

"For a limited time, Stonebridge is offering a $25 award when you open a Stonebridge Personal Checking and/or Personal Money Market account and maintain a combined $750 average daily balance for 90 days. If you switch to direct deposit of payroll, social security or other income payment we will pay you an additional $25. You receive $25 for opening the new account AND $25 for the direct deposit."

