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Offering Summary
Minimum 10,000 shares of Common Stock ($10,000)
Maximum 107,000 shares* of Common Stock ($107,000)
*Maximum subject to adjustment for bonus shares. See 10% Bonus below
Company Vizrom Inc Corporate Address 1848 Trailridge Drive, Pelham, AL, 35124 Description of Business Interactive electronic license plate Type of Security Offered Common Stock Purchase Price of Security Offered $1.00 Minimum Investment Amount (per investor) $100.00
Vizrom is developing electronic license plates to automate license plate renewal and to generate real-time driving data.
Vizrom electronic license plates are designed to electronically display DMV-issued registration numbers using E-paper. Using either a mobile app or an online account, users will be able to automate the renewal of their license plate. The car industry has, in its history, gone through periods of enormous, rapid change. The assembly line made cars available to everyone, and the automatic transmission made it easier to safely operate a vehicle. Now, with data, there is connected mobility, and in the very near future, a fully autonomous vehicle. All of these changes are happening around the cars we drive, yet, the metal license plate remains the same.
Since the metal license plate was first introduced in the United States in 1901, it has not changed much. We believe now is the time for the metal license plate to get an extreme makeover. Vizrom is transforming the license plate as we know it from metal to digital.