The following was posted on the
NetBank Stolen Deposit Ripoff! Atlanta Georgia *UPDATE ..Stolen Deposit Update
Atlanta Georgia 30023
Phone Number:
In early April mailed in a deposit to NetBank for $300 with a money order as i have done many times. I use money orders because they are easy to track regardless of what money order company you use and can be refunded easily as well if they are lost. In this case it was a US Postal Money Order
A couple of weeks passed and the deposit was never credited to my account. This was plenty of time so I went to the post office and went through the whole procedure in order to have them track the money order for me. Several weeks later, on May 23, I received from the USPS a paper copy of both sides of the money order, showing it had been stamped by NetBank on April 15, 2005.
I quickly called NetBank with this information, and was told to give them serial numbers etc, and fax them the copy and send them a bank mail notifying them I sent in the copies and requesting the credit to my account. I immediately did this. I was told it would take 48 to 72 hours to research the problem.
I called back 48 hours, 72 hours, later, and today now 6 days later, and every time I call all I get is the problem is being researched. I am extremely infuriated about this, and feel very helpless to get my money back. They have not even sent me one bank mail to inform me of what they are trying to do.
If I ever get my money back I will immediately close my account, and never use this bank again. I am only leaving it open so I have legal recourse as a bank customer. Don't open an account with this bank.
Napa, California
Update Submitted by the original author
Submitted: 6/3/2005 1:53:45 PM Modified: 6/3/2005 1:53:45 PM
Stolen Deposit Update
Addendum to original Stolen Deposit Report:
On this particular day Customer Servie Rep. Sheryl Lynn answers the phone. I don't pull any punches. I am not rude, but express my extreme disappoint and frustration with Netbank's complete lack of decent service, and that I want my funds for which I have been waiting an unacceptable amount of time. Immediately she tells me she will transfer me to a supervisor. The next part is hilarious.
After A few minutes on hold some other rep picks up the phone and tells me. I will transfer you to Sheryl Lynn now. I ask her if she is a supervisor, and she tells me yes, I am a customer service supervisor. (They probably all are) She also doesn't seem to have any memory of talking to me two minutes before because she once again asks why I am calling. Like i don't know she's the one I talked too originally.
So for the 2nd time I explain the problem too Sheryl Lynn. Finally I get in touch with Brandon, and explain the problem the 3rd time in a very firm tone without being rude.
Brandon eventually tells me he will issue me a provisional credit for the $300. I asked him what he meant by provisional, and he says I will be able to access the funds, until they rectify the lost deposit situation at thier deposit center where the problem was forwarded to. I asked him if I would be penalized for using the funds and he said No. I figured this was the next best thing to actually having a permanent credit since I could use the funds and I agreed.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out I would shortly thereafter withdraw the funds, which I did, and the request the account to be closed. Now that I have done so, they show my checking account almost -$300. I'm sure they will never evenlook for the deposit they lost from me.
The long story short is stay the heck away from netbank, they are liars thieves and clowns.
Eric - Napa, California