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#1 ale51


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Posted 07 August 2004 - 05:53 PM


#2 vivyip


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Posted 22 April 2005 - 12:06 AM

Has something happened to Ascencia Bank within the past 3 months? It seems the customer service has dropped a little...

I still like their CD rates and ease of maintaining an account, but I'm a little irritiated at their change in the ACH transfer policy...

The transfers are still free in either direction, but as of June 1, 2005 they require a minimum of $25 (amount in transaction)...is this normal?

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#3 markber


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Posted 24 April 2005 - 07:14 PM

QUOTE(vivyip @ Apr 21 2005, 05:06 PM)
Has something happened to Ascencia Bank within the past 3 months?  It seems the customer service has dropped a little...

I still like their CD rates and ease of maintaining an account, but I'm a little irritiated at their change in the ACH transfer policy...

The transfers are still free in either direction, but as of June 1, 2005 they require a minimum of $25 (amount in transaction)...is this normal?

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I guess they are just trying to cut their expenses. It is not unusual for banks to set low limits for ACH transfers. For example, many banks, whose ACH transfers are performed by Cashedge, have minimums for ACH transfers. Citibank has a $10 minimum for incoming ACH transfers.

#4 vivyip


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 08:13 PM

ARGH!!! Ascencia's customer service REALLY seems to have deteriorated!!!

#1 -- the wait time on the phone is at least 7 minutes!
#2 -- they charge the customer for a mistake THEY made on an ACH pull! "No account found" If they can do an ACH push into an external bank account, why on earth would they say that same account does not exist when there's an ACH pull?!?!

sigh...I"m beginning to think ever since Ascencia bank became PBI, it's really gone bad....
