Many of these tasks actually evolve around paying bills online, which i guess is the main advantage technology has brought to banking!
I think you are right.
In the past, you could receive bills only via regular mail and had to write checks to pay bills. You can still do it this way. The problem is that
1) writing checks is time consuming
2) you can misplace and forget about a bill and, as a result, get charged with a fee. Not only you pay the fee, your credit history can get damaged if you forget to pay, for example, a credit card bill.
Making online bill payments is much faster than writing checks. So it solves the first problem.
If you receive ebills you can easily find out how much you should pay even if you have lost the paper bill. You can often find the same info by going to payee website. But it is more conveneint and less time consuming to monitor your bills from one place, your bank website.
Often, when new ebill arrives, your bank sends you an email notification about it. This email notification serves as an additional reminder that it is time to pay the bill.
If you are really busy or forgetful, you can set-up autopayment of your ebills. Then, your payments will never be late.
So ebills help to solve the second problem.
Check a
demo of upcoming PCBanker bill payment system to see a good example of online bill payment system with ebills.