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Get $50 from Fidelity/Lion bank for a bill payment

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#1 markber


    1 billion bucks

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Posted 05 February 2005 - 08:31 AM

A link to the promo (PDF format, requires Acrobat reader)

Bank homepage with promo


This account is designed to meet the needs of the online user
looking for convenience and non-traditional bank service. The
account has a $100 minimum opening balance and no monthly
maintenance fee. There will be a $25 penalty if the account is
closed within the first 90 days. All other standard fees apply.
Free online banking, unlimited billpay and debit card are offered
with this account.
All customer correspondence (statements, deposit correction
advices, chargeback notices, notifications, etc.) will be sent via
US Mail after the opening. Checks only ordered upon request.*
A deposit agreement and signature card will be necessary to
open the account. Fifty dollars ($50) will be deposited to your
account 60 days after completing your first billpay. Existing billpay
customers do not qualify for the $50 bonus.
