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Customer service of Ford Credit (3.17% MMA)

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#1 markber


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Posted 14 March 2005 - 05:27 PM

The following feedback was posted about Ford Credit customer service by xanuda349 on MoneyBB:

"I have opened an account with Fordcredit a year or tow ago. After a month or two they for some reason they have decided to close my account and did that without any notification or warning or anything. I have left voicemails asking for explanation; I wrote letters - I got nothing in return. Fortunatelly I was not writing any checks against this account so none of my checks bounced because of that; but I'm still fuming about the way they did that. Now I'm sure this does not happen to everyone and I know a few people who have been very happy with ford credit ; thought I should post my story as a warning though. "

Source: moneybb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1036
