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Get $25 for 2.60% ING Direct savings account.

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#1 markber


    1 billion bucks

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Posted 18 August 2003 - 04:22 AM

You can get $25 for opening ING direct savings account (2.60% as of 02/28/2005) if you do this via a referral invitation.

It is a good idea to review terms of ING Direct savings account before you apply.

If you are comfortable with the terms and need a referral invitation, place your referral request on iBankDesign referral board.

See rules of the ING direct referral program below.

"Share the benefits of the Orange Savings Account with your friends and family! For helping to spread the news about great rates with no minimums and no fees, ING direct will credit your account up to $250. Simply fill in as many as 25 names and email addresses and we will send each person an email inviting them to enjoy the benefits of the Orange Savings Account. By opening an account each friend will receive a $25.00 Welcome Bonus and you will receive a $10.00 Thank You Bonus. If 25 of your friends and family open a new account you will receive $250 in Thank You Bonuses!

Your friends MUST use the referral link within the email sent from this screen to ensure they get the $25.00 Welcome Bonus. If you would like, you can add a personal note telling your friends about the Orange Savings Account. "
