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APY 3.00% @ ING Direct - get $25 bonus!!!

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#1 axel


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Posted 15 April 2005 - 05:00 AM

ING Direct offers a more than free savings account with 3.00% APY.
You just need to deposit 1$ and you get 25$ bonus.
There are no minimum balance limits, and your deposit is FDIC insured up to $100,000.
The best part: the rates are going up and up! When I applied in February, they offered only 2.35% APY.

You can get your $25 bonus thru a referral. E-mail me at [email protected] for refferal.
Disclaim: if you apply, you get $25, I get $10. Thus, after you got your account, by referring your friends and family members, you'll get additional bonus!

E-mail me now at [email protected]
