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ING Direct: $25 Referral

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#1 trombonist4hire


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Posted 12 October 2003 - 11:15 PM

This is a thread to offer/request referral links for ING direct savings account. A person who is referred gets $25. A referring person gets $10.

Here are program details from ING direct web site:

"Share the benefits of the Orange Savings Account with your friends and family! For helping to spread the news about great rates with no minimums and no fees, ING DIRECT will credit your account up to $250. Simply fill in as many as 25 names and email addresses and we will send each person an email inviting them to enjoy the benefits of the Orange Savings Account. By opening an account each friend will receive a $25.00 Welcome Bonus and you will receive a $10.00 Thank You Bonus. If 25 of your friends and family open a new account you will receive $250 in Thank You Bonuses!

Your friends MUST use the referral link within the email sent from this screen to ensure they get the $25.00 Welcome Bonus. If you would like, you can add a personal note telling your friends about the Orange Savings Account. "

#2 mr570


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Posted 22 January 2004 - 01:11 AM

FREE $25 for you, $10 for me (win/win)

I too can refer people for a free $25 account bonus. I just opened my account on 1/21/04. I expect that my 25 references will fill up fast, so email First & Last name to me, and I will send you a confermation link to the same email address. Thank you.

email name to:
[email protected]

#3 heyjude


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Posted 02 February 2004 - 01:24 PM

I have several $25 ING Direct referrals available. Email me at [email protected] with your first and last name for your referral. I will response ASAP. Thanks!

#4 dylan7615


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Posted 11 March 2004 - 12:07 AM

I have ING referrals available to all interested - please email me with your first and last name and will quickly send it to you!


#5 ready2retire


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Posted 16 March 2004 - 05:17 PM

I have been an ING customer for several months now and I know how good this bank really is. Now that I am comfortable with the bank, I am ready to refer you now. You make $25 and I make $10.

If you are in need of a referral, please email me your first and last name to the address below.

I will respond to you ASAP.

I still have several referrals left!

[email protected]

#6 tiduck


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 03:07 AM

I have ING referrals too. Send me email:
tiduck AT bigfoot.com (to guard against spammers harvesting my address)

Referrals will be sent the same day!
