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Member Since 08 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2006 04:13 AM

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What are the negatives of chasing bonuses (bank/credit cards)?

08 November 2005 - 07:01 AM

I'm new to the site.

Are there any pitfalls to continuously chasing down these deals?

The only ones I can think of are that the credit card deals hit your credit report which could be negative if done too much. I'm not sure getting a $50 gift card is worth it if it means extra points on a $200K+ loan.

Do the bank account deals make a difference toward your credit? I think they would just count towards the assets you have to pay off the available credit, but not as credit inquiries or credit accounts. Any comments?

the only other negative I can think of is if you get in and out of a bank and later want to get an account there for other reasons than a reward or bonus. But in that case they probably wouldn't turn away the account again, but rather just not pay the bonus/reward out.

Oh, yeah, more interest income statements to report at tax time.

Anyone think of any others?

bjoltus1973 ph34r.gif
