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Member Since 15 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2006 04:04 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Indus American Bank

27 December 2005 - 02:09 PM

QUOTE(bubba @ Dec 26 2005, 11:57 PM)
And you sound like someone who has joined and posted to just sabotage. If that is the case then you need to find out what is going on and maybe speak to management. I will keep it in mind of your comments if ever feel the need to bank with them. You cannot let banks get away with stuff like this, you need to pursue this further. Then let me know what were the results.
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Most people in the real world and Internet world take the trouble to complain or write when things go really bad. Should things be normal then very rarely does one come across glowing tributes. When was the last time one spoke to someone in management at a bank for a normal process of opening an account! Buy maybe as you suggest I will do so.

I should mention that I finally talked to a real nice person who advised me that even though they had provided me the forms/info their systems were not in place to accept in bound transfers. The money was returned to my account and all is well. I was even given a token gift for my troubles.

Once the systems are in place and there are good reviews I will probably try them again.

In Topic: Indus American Bank

26 December 2005 - 05:00 AM

QUOTE(bubba @ Dec 23 2005, 11:43 PM)
How is this possible? They are not even open yet. You talk about wire transfers, but they are not open for business. No one has even opened an account yet. I checked it out. All lies... there is no wire fees. No account has been open in this bank for anyone. I know tha people here and no one has been called for anything. Since the bank is not open, how can a screw up take place. I wonder why would someone want to talk about a business, when not even open.gat
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The bank is OPEN. I met the employee twice. Once at a holiday party where the bank was a sponsor and the second time at a restaurant. After this I decided to open the account with a deposit of 10,000$. The employee stopped at my office where in I filed the paper work to open an account and initiate the wire. I call the number listed on business card that is similar to the one listed on their web site. The wire fees are when you transfer money out of the bank.

If you are in some way affiliated with the bank and trying to make them look good that is your prerogative, but the facts remain. Seems like you decided to get an account here just to contradict my post. The details you posted defintely makes you sound, look and behave like an employee, especially given that this is your first post here. Are you an employee?

What is funny about "I was sweet talked into opening an account at this bank by one of their employees at the local eatery". That is what happened.
