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Member Since 20 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2016 06:31 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: $25 Free - Open ING Acct - QUICK Referral!

14 July 2004 - 04:20 PM

ING direct is offering a sign-up bonus for anyone who gets referred and opens an account. Here's the deal:

You deposit $1 to open the account
You keep your regular bank accounts
Confirm the 2 small deposits they make,
and the money is yours if you keep it open for 30 days.
You get $25 for doing 3 minutes worth of work.

NO fees, NO minimums, NO charges. NO spam, NO gimmicks.

The Orange Savings Account earns 2.10% APY interest as well, so it's just free money all around.

email me with your FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, and EMAIL ADDRESS and I will send a referral within hours or even sooner.

Email: [email protected]

In Topic: Free $20 Virtual Bank Referral will reply in 8 Hours

26 June 2004 - 12:22 AM

email me at dublindamien{AT SIGN}yahoo{DOT}com remove the {} and replace with the @ and . symbols--to deter spam mailing bots.

dublindamien__@__yahoo.com (REMOVE the __)

Virtual bank--open Money Market Account, earns 2.15% interest anyway + the $20 signup bonus. You need $100 to open, and has to stay open for 30 days. Not a bad investment for 30 days. Email me and i'll send you a referral within 8 hours (I usually check my email compulsively).

EMAIL me with your :

FIRST name
LAST name
EMAIL address
