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Member Since 19 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2004 02:34 PM

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Cash back from unlimited credit card conversion to

19 September 2004 - 02:34 PM

I noticed that there are a few banks allow to charge credit card to open a bank accounts as initial deposit with no charge. The advantage is obvious: earn cash back or miles with no cash down, plus earning free interest for a month and half.

1. bankofinternet.com allows to charge $200 of credit card for each type of accounts. Not worth your time though.

2. bankofamerica.com allows to charge $2000 (?) for a checking, $300 (?) for a saving, and $1000 (?) for a money order. It varies from state to state, but all come with a limit. I actually have done that with my united mileage card plus a $50 promotion bonus, by following this link.

3. this is the best one, firstIB.com (first internet bank), that allows you to charge *unlimited* amount of VISA credit card to open checking, saving, mm accounts with no fees. You can charge the same card three times one after another to open the three accounts. So the real limit is the highest credit limit of your visa cards. Subsequent funding to the same account with Visa card will have 3% fees. This deal is not obvious on their website, because the bank lose money by charging you credit card. I have confirmed it and this is what I received from a CSR. "You are correct, First IB does not charge any fee for using a VISA card for your initial deposit. The transaction is run as a purchase through the VISA network."

It's worth of keeping the checking account open for your daily use. FirstIB online checking is one the best checking account: minimum only $500, high interest rate, free bank-initiated incoming ACH, unlimited free billpay, $6 ATM surcharge rebate, blahblah....

If you do want to open a firstIB account, before you do so, please email me ([email protected]) your REAL name and mailing address, and you will receive a $10 referral bonus. Please allow me to mail a referral form to you. Sign it and enclose with your printed application form and mail it to First IB

Last and best, I found another deal similiar to the CapitalOne giftcard deal, with no monthly cap so far, to turn credit card purchase into liquid cash with no money loss. I posted it on the fatwallet finance forum the other day, and received a PM from a senior member after a short while. He warned me that this deal would be dead very soon as many other great deals, due to the "fatwallet effect", and suggested that I should modified my post so that me and the few that saw my post could enjoy it longer. I deleted that post immediately. To prevent this deal from dying too fast, I will only share it to those who emailed me and opened a firstIB account. After receiving that, please promise not to post the detail of this deal on public forums.

[email protected]
