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If you need a $25 Referral for ING

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#1 bigrcee


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Posted 04 May 2004 - 12:57 AM


I just opened an ING Acct, after months of lurking and trying to find the best fit online bank for me.

The positives is that you can open an account for as little as $1, but who would do that when they are paying 2.0% and your local bank is paying .9%, and a bonus for opening the account.

The negatives is that you can only make 6 withdrawals a month or you are subject to a fee and possibly being dropped.

Anyway I hope this helps anyone who is on the fence regarding which bank to go with.

I will let everyone know if I encounter any problems.

P.S. I received a $25 referral bonus for opening an account and the person referring me received a $10 bonus. So if anyone needs a referral for a free $25 please feel free to email me with your Name and Email.

[email protected]
