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Member Since 12 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 01 2005 12:50 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Offers only: ING direct: $25/$10

19 May 2005 - 09:16 AM

Hey everyone biggrin.gif !

I just signed up for ING with a small fund and have earned about about one third of the interest i get a month at my regular savings account! and it's only been ten days~~!! i... love it. I got the ~ $25 ~ bonus for signing up. If you would like 25 dollars for signing up to an internet bank with an aamazing 3 percent rate, no minimums or would just like 25 bucks, email me at [email protected]. You need a checking account to make the transfer. I have 25 referrals for anybody interested in earning 25 dollars for simply signing up, either email me or the others on this board, with your first and last name. I check my email everyday. tongue.gif -Henry

[email protected]

In Topic: Banks classifying ACH and Direct Deposits...

12 April 2005 - 02:21 PM

does anyone know if this list includes Greenpoint Bank here in NY? not too excited if i have to pay that 6 dollar charge for 'direct deposit' that otherwise isn't happening since i'm not employed rolleyes.gif

do u need direct deposit to use ING and the other ACHs or w/e?

anyone know?

oh yea hey i'm new!
