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goodfood's Content

There have been 5 items by goodfood (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#20943 $100 bonus - Comerica bank : new checking account with a Visa Check Card...

Posted by goodfood on 30 January 2007 - 02:04 AM in Expired bank bonuses

[size=6]Hi, I am an interantional graduate student. I am employed as a teaching-assistant. I wonder if I can ejoy this benifit. Is it only for US citizens and perminents residents? Thank you. cheerful.gif

#20944 $200 bonus - Citibank : checking, keep $1.5K for 2 mo, direct dep...

Posted by goodfood on 30 January 2007 - 02:09 AM in Expired bank bonuses

[size=6]Hi, I am an interantional graduate student. I am employed as a teaching-assistant. I wonder if I can ejoy this benifit. Is it only for US citizens and perminents residents?

I went to Citibank to open a new account. The reprisentative told me that I can't even enroll in the "Thankyou point program". shy.gif

Thank you.

#20960 $200 bonus - Citibank : checking, keep $1.5K for 2 mo, direct dep...

Posted by goodfood on 01 February 2007 - 06:24 PM in Expired bank bonuses

Thanks for the information. laugh.gif I'll have a try. happy.gif

#21819 $125 bonus - US bank : checking account with direct deposit; Exp. - 7/...

Posted by goodfood on 29 May 2007 - 11:15 PM in Expired bank bonuses

I just called twice today. The first customer service representative said he did not know this promotion. The second customer service representative said that only people who receive the mail invitation could enjoy this offer. Icky.gif

#21824 $125 bonus - US bank : checking account with direct deposit; Exp. - 7/...

Posted by goodfood on 30 May 2007 - 09:58 PM in Expired bank bonuses

My pleasure cheerful.gif
